this post was published exactly one year ago:
Txiki: "I'm looking for a wing player who can make it
to the goal line and give great centres... Let's hope
I have some luck and find something interesting."

Read more 25 June 2008 news:
The 2008-2009 shirts
Arshavin confirms that he is a Barcelona fan
Negotiations on Henrique ongoing but unclear
Berbatov alternative for Adebayor
Sami said...
If Barcelona buys berbatov and arshavin and keeps Messi, they will be the best attacking team in europe.
Kxevin said...
I'm still not completely sold on Arshavin. He'd be great at the price, and he wants to come to us. But anything more than 15 million, and it's a risk.
It's consistent play against top-level talent that gets rewarded with high rates. Mind you, salaries are going crazy all over Europe anyhow, so who knows?
But we still don't know if Arshavin can really play at the top flight night in, night out. He tore it up in UEFA Cup, but that's UEFA Cup. He tore it up against Holland, but that's one match.
It's risky, just as Hernanes is, which is why we're pricing our bid for him accordingly, despite what Sao Paulo might think about his worth.
Issues said...
Hhahahah, classy graphic. Caye is amazing!
Anonymous said...
Arshavin's bandwagon has just gone off the cliff after so many people have been jumping on it the past week. Am I the only one who has reservations about his move to Barcelona? I give the lad credit for two outstanding performances in the tournament but who's to say that he's not the next Milan Baros? Remember him and his stellar '04 tournament? Everyone thought he was the next "big thing" too and where is he now?
I guess we'll learn a little more from Arshavin when he faces a stronger defense in Spain; certainly not the best in the world but will provide a lot more resistance than Holland's "Swiss cheese" defense. I think the Senna vs. Arshavin matchup could provide to be the best one so far in the tournament. I think Senna's been tremendously underrated so far in this tournament. And Senna's not the type to concede an inch so it should be a very exciting matchup to watch unfold. If Arshavin's addition to the squad happens to dramatically change Russia's fortunes then you can consider me a convert. Until I see it with my very own eyes I will without my judgement for now.
Issues said...
Arshavin was great much time before the Euro. He was one of Zenit's leaders in their road to glory in the UEFA Cup, thrashing to pieces almost every team who got on their way. So, he was hyped even before the Euro Cup, his performance there is not a suprise.
And you should agree, that there's a risk for EVERY player to become "the next Milan Baros". Even if his name is Thierry Henry. There's no such player, for which you could know that he'll be great for your team if you get him, there's always a risk. It's normal thing for transfers.
Visca Barca !! said...
I totally agree with the comment above. The guy is great, physically and technicaly, and he didn't just show up, he has been watched by arsenal and real madrid for while, let's not forget what he did with zenit in the uefa cup, and the performance against bayern.. and the match against spain will be decisive, i'm sure he'll be great.. I guess we all know that each signing got some risk involved, for me, hleb is a risk too, given the injuries and just showed up 2years ago, and he's nearly the same age as arshavin, besides barca will pay less for him than what arsenal is demanding for hleb and much less than what for Ade.. Txiki should hurry on this one, i'd certainly love to see him playing alongside messi.
Anonymous said...
Arshavin would be the best addition this summer, he has provided Zenit to the Glory in UEFA Cup, cuttin off the tornament such a strong teams like: Villareal, Olympic Marseille, Bayern Munich, Glazgow Rangers...
KXEVIN - dont forget that Decowas also discovered in Uefa cup...
I watched him for several years, and can say that he is very talented, leader of russians attack, dedicated to his club, modest player... the one we need in dressing room..
Daniel said...
I'm barcafan from russia
and believe me, Arshavin to small for Barca. His physical bad. Lazy player. but he always say that his cules. it's true.
but i'm sure that Barca must find another person for this position.
Zhirkov more professional player. more tallented/ He is best in russia.
Anonymous said...
Arshavin is one of the best left wingers in the world at the moment, next to silva. So to replace ronnie, we have to buy one of them.
And to daniel from russia: He isn't lassie to be playaing in spain, and will do a better job defencesivly, then ronnie ever did.. Pluss he has a mind for goals and assist and that what wwe need up front.. Silva is a hell of a player, but doesn't score so much goals. If we have
Arshavin-Henry/Eto'o-Messi, we will have one of the strongest attacks in the world, if not the strongest!!!
Mes que un club:)
daniel said...
arshavin's fhysical not good
in russia we have one game on the week. he never played at Champions league. he has enough power for sixty minutes maximum. after that he tired. don't look et Euro 2008. all of ours players(not including zhirkov and pavluchenko) jump over they head.
Barca should go for zhirkov...
Hung said...
Mundo Deportivo is claiming that the deal about Ashavin has been done about two months ago between Barca and Zenit St. Petersburg. The deal will be official next week when the Euro tournament ends.
wanted47 said...
@ daniel
arshavin ist lazy?..i saw the match against the netherlands...that crazy horse arshavin still could run the same speed at the 120th minutes...but u r a russia and i agree with u dat u know more about him...maybe he is not just motivated enough in the russian league..really after i saw dat match nobody can convince me dat he is lazy...he has lungs of a "crazy horse"
Tudor said...
Zenit`s sports director confirmed that Barcelona made oficial offer in amount od 15 mil for Arshavin....I hope this transfer will be soon complete.
Straighthate said...
I'm too from Russia, moreover I'm from St. Petersburg, the homecity for Zenit team. I believe Daniel is a supporter of CSKA Moscow, that's why he rates Arshavin so bad and Zhirkov(CSKA player) so well.
I tell you one thing: Arshavin told it russian press a thousand times, that his dream is to play in Barca, even when he was just a youth player a decade ago. And I'm damn sure that if he makes it to Catalonia, he'll be throwing his last guts to prove he is able and skillful enough to play effectively in such a great team. Yeah, he could be a bit lazy in defense, but his attacking potential both as a passmaker and a goalscorer compensates well for that.
Forza Barca!
daniel said...
i hate cska moscow.
i think, after this words you understand which team i support in russia.
all moscow fans know, that people in st. petersburg blind, when they talked about zenit players.
2 years ago, arshavin wanted a big money from gazprom. and he has a negotiations with Spartak moscow. spartak and zenit like a sevilla and betis. hate each other. it was a blackmail his native team. it speaks a lot of his bad temper.
arshavin very good player. for valencia, not barca..
wanted47 said...
today he is goin to play against the best players from spain...if he is able to handle spain just the way he did it against the netherlands then the sky is the limit for arshavin
Waleed said...
he is a good player at and before Euro no doubt, but what we have seen in the match against Neatherlands was exceptional if Arshavin could achieve such a performance all the way you'd nerver see him playing with zenit till 27, every type of championship have it's own type of players and Gomez is only one example he did very well in Bundus leaga but you saw his performance with germany, the same with Torres, Toni,Benzeema and the list doesn't end here,on the other hand we have Hakan Yakin who's performance wasn't so convincing in Turkish league nor the Bundus leaga,yet he have 3 goals in euro and he always was great with the national team, and we should all know that the Liga isn't by any way like Euro,it is along long road and only a certain kind of players will make it to the end. and those are what we should be looking for. the point that he likes barca' is an advantage but only with reasonable price he would be considered as good buy.
Anonymous said...
Barca have made a formal offer for Arshavin
we missed out. too bad
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