Monday 20 July 2009

Treble will travel to England and United States

Catalan sports paper El Mundo Deportivo claims that Barcelona will take with them the trophies that were won last year when they will travel abroad during the pre-season.

The trophies of the Liga, the Copa and the Champions League will be shown to the public in England and the United States.

Read more:
Ticket sales for US friendlies going well
Where will Barcelona stay during training camp?


Don Luis said...

Better not lose them...

westinho said...

No need to brag imo..

barca4life said...

Well we dont have to hand back the CL until the knockout stages of the CL start. So lets enjoy it while we have it.

Anonymous said...

dont they get to keep the cl trophy since this is the third time barca has won it?

Marc4barca said...

i thought they keep the trophies till they get knocked out.

barca4life said...

We get a replica. And i remember a few years ago gerrard handing it back when liverpool were still in the tournament

chris said...

We have to win it 5 times or 3 times in a row to keep it.

Marc4barca said...

wtf i never heard of that before. two more times and we can keep it, that's cool.

Mihai Martin said...

Gerrard was handling it because L'pool won it for the 5th time in 2005 thus getting to keep it. We wee the first to win THIS trophy in 2006 ;)

Also teams who win it 5 times / 3 consecutive get to wear special arm patches. Real Madrid 9, Milan 7, Ajax 4 and Bayern 4. Check Champions league photos of these teams ;)

Oh - and the champions have something special too:

tero said...

Those trophies (especially CL) should travel through the streets of Manchester ;D

Unknown said...

Not about bragging. Its about letting the fans outside Barcelona enjoy it too. Will take picture of it myself while its in Los Angeles.

Xaviniesta said...

i liked the fact they brought the trophies to africa. why not also bring the trophies to asia, like japan for ex, the japanese will go crazy for sure. and china, its such a huge market. they could send the trophies for a tour there with some players of barca athletic for like. promotional appearances and stuff. they will be treated like pop stars there hehe.

NouBarca said...

yes Bring them all to London

Manolo said...

Are u guys talking bullshit?

The CL trophy is ours and we are not leaving it back?

It's our mame written on it,
Like FC Barcelona -Champions 08/09 or someting like that.
And it's not written with a regular pensil it's like engraved or what u call it..

barca4life said...

Champions League winners do not keep the real trophy, which remains in UEFA's keeping at all times. A full size replica trophy, the Champions League winners trophy, is awarded to the winning club. [3] It used to be that a club that won the competition five times, or three times consecutively, got to keep an original. From this year, every winner will receive a replica with their name engraved on it. [4] Winning clubs are also permitted to make replicas of their own, however they must be clearly marked as such and can be a maximum of eighty percent the size of the actual trophy.

The original souce of that is the uefa regulations

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