Hey giant... Since you're already kind of one of us, I will let you touch the Super Cup a little.
Спасибо (thank you in ukrainian... i think)
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All the rumours, all the facts
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Спасибо is thank you in Russian, Chygrynsky speaks Russian because he played for Shaktar who based in Donetsk City wher mostly only Russians live ;)
This is the first time I see Pedro in these comics...the guy is making an impact :D
i've said before that Pedro will become something but pretty much everybody went like "no Perdo is mediocre bojan is the future":
Look at him now.
Pedro is so much better than bojan imo and will have a greater succes than bojan.
Barca nike
Chygrinsky is in Barcelona and he took aa picture near the logo of the club, check out the official website of barca
whats up with ppl claiming i said this i said that about one barca player or other? i never really got that. its quiet satisfaction never enough?
anywho Chyggggg! WELCOME & GOOD LUCK.
why is it written in the cartoon "CHYKITINSKIY" with T instead of CHYGIRINKIY with R?
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