Former Barcelona player Giovani dos Santos gave in the beginning of this week
'goodbye' interviews to both main Catalan sport papers. These are the most
interesting quotes from the interview he gave to Catalan sports paper Sport.

What has caused one of the major talents of the youth academy to leave the club after just one year with the first squad?
I'm aware that I'm at a great club and that you have to be patient but I have reached an age at which I need to play on a regular basis if I want to keep making progress.
Barcelona did something to keep you here?
They tried to convince me, but the best thing was to leave.
Why does a young player with a bright future leaves Barcelona for only 6 million euro?
I don't know. And I don't really want to enter the economic issue.
You have some bad feeling about leaving?
Of course I have. I was here for six years, I had settled down here, my parents live here and my brother plays for Barcelona. How could I not feel bad?
What is the best you'll remember from this club?
A lot of things. I learnt a lot as a player and as a person. I got more mature. I lived moments that at my age are not easy to go through. I have to thank the people who, maybe unconsciously, have teached me how to deal with difficult moments. Football is not sunshine every day and when I will again live a moment like that I will be able to stand up a lot quicker.
You sound like you have felt misunderstood at certain times and especially after the whistles in the Camp Nou.
Not misunderstood, but I would have liked... Let's see, when you come out to play and you have a lack of confidence... A lot of elements played a role... At a certain point, it seemed like people wanted me to play bad. That influences the choices you make on the pitch.
What do you think about the Barcelona fans?
They are great. I'm convinced of that. But mainly when the team plays well. Then they influence the rivals a lot. When things are going bad, it's all a bit special. But it always has been like that and I don't think it will ever change...
I suppose you also were partly to blame for what happened?
Of course. I wasn't the Giovani of the pre-season who played without any pressure and showed all his skills. Later I let things influence me too much. Because I wanted so much to show the world what I was able to do, I did things that I shouldn't have done.
In your last game, without the pressure you had felt along the season, you scored three times. You were yourself again.
I started well and I ended well. That game helped me to feel free again. I was very motivated to score and I scored goals that define me as a player. Yes, I was myself again.
We saw the real Giovani that day?
I think so. People who only know me from last season have another idea of me, but those who know me from the youth academy and from the national team know what kind of player I am and what I can do on the pitch.
You would like to return to Barcelona one day?
You never know what can happen in football.
Why did you prefer to leave on a permanent deal rather than on a loan deal?Because when I am somewhere I want to get totally involved without thinking the whole time about the fact that I have to perform well so I can return to Barcelona. I want to concentrate on and give everything for the club where I'm playing. Only like that you can give the best you have, without having your thoughts in another place.
What do you expect of the Premier League?
It's a league where the players are respected a lot and I look forward to start training and playing there.
You spoke with Tottenham manager Juande Ramos?
I did and he really is a phenomenon. I'm very motivated to start working with him.
How is your English?
Terrible! But I will learn.
The most interesting quotes of the interview he gave to Catalan sports paper El Mundo Deportivo will be posted on this blog next week.
Read the complete Giovani dos Santos transfer story from the first rumours until the official confirmation
Good riddance! You never appreciated the priviledge and the honor it is to wear the shirt! You and your "Do Barcelona know who I am?" type attitude. No, we don't nor do we care! Expecting the club to give into your demands when clearly you neither earned it nor deserved it! Just look at Bojan, he kept his mouth shut, waited for his opportunity, and when given the chance he delivered. He knew his time would eventually come. Unlike you, who felt that everything should be handed to you on a silver platter! I just hope that playing in the EPL makes a man out of you and that you don't go crying to your father when you finally realize the huge mistake you've made. I look forward to seeing you play for some second tier Italian club in a couple of years and eventually dissapearing from our consciousness for good!
wow!!!! #1 commenter...Aren't we all grow up now?....Anyway...not to sepnd much time on the guy/gal above who is so sour....I really hope Giovani improves at Tottenham and bets the playing time he wants. From previous post i've seen other ppl think that he'll be too soft for the Premiership. I think he'll hold up, and he'll learn.I think he's young and has time to develop, plus i think he's a tougher player than these ppl think. I've found Giovani to be one to be a push over or dive. Actually, he rides tackles well and uses his body even when he was getting back on defense he was accused of being a little too rough (or fouling..). I dont know y'all remember the Levante game in which Henry scored a hatrick, and we won 4-0, he was the recipient of many bad tackles from the experienced back four who were i guessed disgraced, but he played tough and didnt back down from a challenge and actually had some nice footwork. I wonder how come ppl werent so sour when it was pre-season last year. I respect his responses, his decision and him as a player.....Playing under the pressure of those whistles and apparent "hatred" wasnt easy...all the best Giovani dos santos!!!!
Yes, he may well be a bit short-sighted for leaving so early and impatiently, but he's a talented lad and I don't like to see wasted talent, regardless of who players play for. I hope he does well in the EPL, I hope he comes back one day, a more complete player. who knows?
i just can't stand stupidly fickle Barça fans, they turn on anyone like petulent children. Bit embarrassing really.
fuck this
i love giovanni no matter what..
this guy will some day be something big and i hope when he does he will comes back to barca witch i doubt
all this is the fans foult, its so stuped, you should support your teams youngest not boo em out...
i feel giovanni...
but barca got lots of " giovannis" so we shouldnt be that sorry BUT
when we give our youngest the chanse we should fully support them and keep em at least 4-5 years...
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